海运费Trieste, Italy,Venice(Venezia), Italy,Rotterdam(RTM), Netherland


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Shimizu 清水集装箱整箱

We serve our customers with integrated supply chain solutions that deliver cargo by sea and air. Our expertise, value-added services and e-services enable you to streamline the flow of goods. We also make your supply chain more transparent and easier to manage.
We have in-depth knowledge of several markets including high-tech, pharmaceuticals, textiles and automotive products. We also specialise in marine logistics, industrial projects and other niche markets.
集装箱整箱及散货陆运价格低廉,降低进出口企业的成本。专业的司机及操作人 员详细跟踪货物,让企业没有后顾之忧。低价高服务是我们陆运的服务宗旨。 另因我司指定的报关行多年与报检报关部门友好合作,商检海关关系到位,能及时 处理突发事件,顺利上船。 我们秉承 “想客户所想,尽客户所责”的经营理念,以高水平的服务质量和完美的 营运能力,得到贵司的肯定及满意。 欢迎贵司垂询运价,我司周到的服务及操作,会在操作过程中以增加企业成本为目标, 在各个环节中尽量减少支出或者增加企业其他收入,这是我们的最终目的。

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