海运费Trieste, Italy,Venice(Venezia), Italy,Rotterdam(RTM), Netherland



■ 公司系马士基、达飞轮船、东方海外、美国总统、川崎汽船、长荣海运、韩进商船、中外运等国内外著名航运公司的一级订舱代理,充分保证为客户提供订舱、报关、报检、装箱、仓储、陆运、多式联运等增值国际海运服务;
■ 货物类型涉及钢铁、汽车、化工、机械、矿产、园艺、医药、食品、农产品等十几个行业,为数百家大中型企业提供整箱、拼箱、集运、一站式等各种综合国际海运服务;

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Cincinnati, OH辛辛那提

我们的目标是:保持最优秀的专业服务,运用最先进的电脑设备,完善国际货运服务网络,提供品质一流的服务。  Our company adopts dedicated optical cable connection and container real-time management system among these three storage yards, realizing the multipoint integrated management of the business and office work of each storage yard. We independently researched and developed the fourth generation of the logistics business system, integrating 8 subsystems, such as shipping company customer container cargo management, container water gate management, site management and container maintenance business, etc. This system now has reached the international advanced level of real-time EDI communication with the world’s various shipping companies, customs, wharfs, commodity inspection and other relationship units. The information in every station of our company is real-time shared, which ensures the orderly linkage of the company’s internal management, at the same time realizes the perfect combination between the shipping companies’ strict container management requirement and the customers’ convenient and efficient container usage demand. Container business management adopts container real-time management system and relies on perfect operation procedure and center control program management system to realize the real-time, orderly, efficient and accurate positioning and management for the circulation of the containers among multiple depots in strict accordance with the shipping companies’ business operation standard. Meanwhile, all the customers’ containers cargo information and trends can be inquired instantly on our website, by EDI transmission and in many other ways....

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Our trailer service in guangzhou, the pearl river delta, Hong Kong and other regions. Security, integrity, transportation team, a professional car following, vehicle control, 24 hours a day to keep information flowing with the customer at any time, ensure the safety of the transportation, smooth.

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主要是针对大型设备或其他一些大件装卸不变物品。开顶箱上面用防水防油特殊处理的苫布遮盖,并且有钢丝绳加固装置对货物进行加固。 集装箱的门可以卸下,可以进行更好的填充加固。开顶箱是由钢铁制造,可提供20’,40’ 两种规格的开顶箱和订舱服务。海运服务
提供世界六大洲主要国家,300多个港口及内陆点的进出口海运集装箱,海运拼箱 大宗散货船港对港,门对门服务

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* 制定并实施进口FOB全程货物运输方案
* 提供进口货物分拨、转运、门到门及清关限时服务
* 为进口监管货物提供安全可靠的仓储服务
* 提供国内料件的寄售服务
* 鲜活易腐货物、贵重货物等特种货物运输方案的设计实施及专业物流咨询主营全国各地起步到中亚五国及莫斯科的陆运包税清关运输:

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与国际十几家知名船公司,航空公司保持业务往来,保持合约运价协议,并开展海空运订舱、货物跟踪,以及从船期航班查询、订舱、确认、预配、提单制发等各个环节。透过先进的网络技术和广泛的协议运价,为您提供多样化的选择和弹性的时间安排。目前,我公司在天津,山西,西安都设有分支机构,其中,西安作为西北经济开发的桥头堡,并且起着连接西北与华北,华东,华南以及西南的重要交通桥梁作用。 海运出口:可承办天津,青岛,上海到世界主要港口、内陆点的出口定舱,一关三检,运输等一条龙服务;签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。同时也可提供国外目的港的清关、拆箱、提货服务。 我司系中华人民共和国对外经济贸易合作部批准的一级货运代理企业,多年来致力于为客户提供综合物流服务。

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import and export by FCL and LCL mode

International import and export by FCL and LCL mode
Door to door service
Buyer consolidation
Haulage/customs brokerage /commodity inspection/fumigation/insurance brokerage
Mainly arrange shipments export from Pearl River Delta area such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan,

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import and export by FCL and LCL mode

International import and export by FCL and LCL mode
Door to door service
Buyer consolidation
Haulage/customs brokerage /commodity inspection/fumigation/insurance brokerage
Mainly arrange shipments export from Pearl River Delta area such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan,

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Export air feight
* Very competitive air rates,door to door service,
* Customs clearance,transportation,inspection, quarantine of animals and plants and healthy inspection
* Air freight for Special goods, such as Hook clothes, flash goods
* Bonded Warehouse service for the goods

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global network for all your Air Freight

1、 网上签约:参与通关无纸化的企业(包括代理企业)与海关、第三方认证机构(中国电子口岸)签订电子数据应用协议。委托代理报关的,只有委托“通关无纸化”签约的报关企业才能适用“通关无纸化”方式。
2、 作业流程:企业勾选“通关无纸化”录入方式,将报关单及随附单证电子数据向海关发送并申报(随附单证可根据企业资信等级选择申报时或申报后发送),海关H2010系统对申报的报关单及随附单证电子数据进行风险判别;低风险货物自动放行,并发送放行信息,企业直接办理提货或装运手续;高风险货物,由人工在电脑审核,确有疑义的转现场交单。报关单自动理单,结关后电子存档。Air Freight

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